Minimize wasted time with super quick support

The human touch has a fantastic ROI.

"He made me a much more competent computer user, skills that I use daily."

Katherine Milton
Calgary Retina Consultants

Forget queues, waiting lines and tickets

Our end user support systems replace long queues and tickets with real, human, one-on-one experiences via phone and email.  

Your team members get their problems solved quickly and effectively, increasing employee satisfaction, brand loyalty, and often, average customer value.


Average hours to get a response using internal support tickets (Zendesk).

This is WAY too much.

Give amazing support without a call center

The trick is in keeping it simple

Frequently asked questions

What types of support do you provide?
Is it better to hire somebody internally?
Can my employees contact Skyworks directly?
How is this better than support tickets?

Your team can kiss their tech troubles goodbye.

See why Alberta's highest performing companies trust Skyworks.

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